

The Non Sequitur That Was 'QE' Amounted to a Total Failure

Brian Domitrovic, Forbes

Trump's Plan to Remake the Fed Imperiled By Moore

Heather Long & Josh Dawsey, WP

Amid All the Slings & Arrows, I've Been Right About Fed Policy

Stephen Moore, Hill

A $15 Min. Wage Would Make My McDonald's Job Livable

Jamar Black, USA Today

Why a Healthy Jobs Report Could Give Investors Anxiety

John Crudele, New York Post

Those Who Promised Q1 Slowdown Have Some 'Splaining to Do

Adam Brandon, WT

California's High-Speed Train Makes Solyndra Look Like a Bargain

David Boaz, FEE

Thoughts On How To Talk Capitalism to Millennials

Edward Glaeser, Los Angeles Times

If You Hated Calculus Class, You Intimately Understand Free Trade

John Tamny,AC

Transform Econ. That Allows Billionaires to Exist In First Place

Emilie Prattico, TN

Why The Uber I.P.O. Is a Moral Stain on Silicon Valley

Farhad Manjoo, New York Times

Oh the Irony! Socialists Rely on Capitalists to Spread Ideology

Alfredo Ortiz, Fox

Great Deal of Human Suffering Is Behind Your Amazon Order

Matthew Walther, TW

The Curious Rise & The Spectacular Collapse Of the AAF

Conor Orr, Sports Illustrated

Don't Be Fooled By The New York Times, Amazon Pays Taxes

Kevin Williamson, NRO

Some Bothered by AMZN's $0 Corporate Tax Bill

Stephanie Saul & Patricia Cohen, NYT

The Blame for AMZN's Tax Bill Goes Back to the 1990s

John Merline, Issues & Insights

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