

USD Floats Because Nixon Was a Sucker For Gold Reserves

Brian Domitrovic, Forbes

Quit Whining About Apple Share Buybacks, Please

Tim Worstall, Washington Examiner

With Age & Investing, Resist Generic Formulas & Shortcuts

Michael Cannivet, RCM

Why Impressive Q1 Results May Not Impress Investors

Mark DeCambre, MarketWatch

Bernie Sanders's Federal Jobs Guarantee Is Fantasyland Economics

Brian Riedl, CJ

UBI Didn't Fail in Finland. Finland Failed UBI

Jauhiainen & Mkinen, New York Times

Guaranteed Jobs Is An Idea Straight From the Old Soviet Union

Editorial, Investor's

House GOP's Farm Bill Would Worsen the Rural Food Crisis

Vann Newkirk, Atlantic

States Get Tough on Data SecurityThat Might Be a Problem

Greg Arnette, Fortune

Flight-Sharing Could Bring Uber to Skies

Christopher Koopman & Michael Kotrous, USAT

Quest for World Domination Is Inside Amazon's $20 Prime Hike

Alex Shephard, TNR

Tax Code Should Reward Companies That Don't Expand Globally

Marco Rubio, NRO

It's OK When Factories Move Abroad

Colin Grabow, Foundation for Economic Education

Peace With NK Seems Unlikely, But Often Does Ahead of Time

Zachary Karabell, WP

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