

An Econ. Case for Equal Compensation

Rachel Vogelstein & Alexandra Bro, Foreign Affairs

Thank Goodness Amazon "Eavesdrops" On Us w/Alexa

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

Thoughts on Why Investors Not Sweating Trade War Talk

Neil Irwin, New York Times

Prepare 'Sell the News' Scenario Once Trade Deal Signed

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

You Might Need 16.4x Your Salary In Order To Retire

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

Some High-Speed Alternatives to CA's High-Speed Rail

Kerry Jackson, City Journal

Data Show the Poorest Benefit the Most From a Strong Economy

Adam Michel, FEE

Dems Generous But Only With Other People's Money

John Merline, Issues & Insights

U.S. Consumers Are Paying for Donald Trump's Trade War

Daniel Ikenson, USA Today

Why We Took Trump Off the '400' Amid Decade of Tax Losses

Dan Alexander, Forbes

The Secret That Was Hiding in President Trump's Taxes

Conor Friedersdorf, Atlantic

There Is No Way Trump Actually Lost $1.17 Billion

Josh Barro, New York Magazine

Times 'Scoop' on Trump Taxes Nothing But Old News

John Podhoretz, New York Post

During An Age of Analytics, Scouts Look for Life Post Baseball

Stephanie Apstein, SI

Capitalism Will Most Certainly Save Us, If Only We Let It Do So

Steve Forbes, Forbes

The Left Needs to End Its Anti-Deficit Stance Right Now

Alex Shephard, New Republic

Trump's Economy Speaks to Triumph of Supply-Side

Allan Ryskind, Washington Times

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