

Donald Trump's Tax Cuts Will Bring Back the Growth Times

Brian Domitrovic, Forbes

Trump's Tax Proposal Could Lead to Wide Avoidance

Kate Kelly & Alan Rappeport, NYT

With Healthcare, GOP Just Pretends It's for Free Market

Ben Shapiro, National Review

Trump Won Because He Knows Elections Are About Economy

Ralph Benko, Forbes

Never Listen to Investing Experts' Short-Term Opinions

Cullen Roche, MarketWatch

Why Investors Should Trust Hard Data Much More

Charles Lieberman, Bloomberg View

Why Federal Workers Out-Earn Private Sector

Norman Leahy, RealClearInvestigations

TPP 2.0 May Be On the Way; U.S. On the Sidelines

Allan Golombek, RealClearMarkets

How Homeownership Became An Engine of U.S. Inequality

Matthew Desmond, NYT

Fancy Prisons for Billionaires Reshaping Manhattan Skyline

Justin Davidson, NYM

What's Going on Between Goldman & the Federal Government?

John Crudele, NYP

The Feds Turn a Blind Eye to Goldman Sachs's Game

David Dayen, The Fiscal Times

Can France Break Out of Its Long Economic Slump?

Ray Keating, RealClearMarkets

A Eurocrat Who Makes Corporate America Tremble

Samanth Subramanian, Bloomberg

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