

In Exile: The Cruelly Sad & Solitary Life of Ruth Madoff

Isabel Vincent, New York Post

Hot Stocks Are Like Lottery Numbers: Very Low Odds

Jeff Sommer, New York Times

Unusually Low Volatility Can Be Dangerous for Stocks

Mohamed El-Erian, Bloomberg

An Eerie Similarity to '07, Before the Bulls Were Slaughtered

Doug Kass, RealMoney

Trump and the GOP Prepare for Tax Code Bonfire

Joseph Lawler, Washington Examiner

Trump Tax Plan: Cutting the Gordian Knot of Tax Policy Debate

Jim Altenbach, RCM

The Fallacy Of The Charitable Deduction

Rob Arnott & John Tamny, Investor's Business

Long Ago American Government Ran on Lotteries, Not Taxes

Sarah Laskow, FEE

Obamacare Taxes Proved Dangerous to Our Health

Stephen Moore, Washington Times

Is Germany Presently Unbalanced, or Unhinged?

Barry Eichengreen, Project Syndicate

Globalization's Ill Effects Are Wildly Exaggerated

Robert Samuelson, Washington Post

While Apple Could Break $1 Trillion, It Looks Vulnerable

Zachary Karabell, Wired

How Many Jobs Has Donald Trump Really Saved?

Steven Rattner, New York Times

A Theory on Why Working Class Americans Voted wMiddle Finger

Kyle Smith, NYP

Donald Trump Is Waging a War on the Working Class

Robert Borosage, The Nation

The (Western) States Where Economy Isn't Struggling to Recover

Justin Fox, BBW

Social Mobility Remains Strong in Land of Opportunity

Scott Winship, National Review

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