

Taxes, and Warren Buffett's Shareholder Sophistry

George Harbison, RealClearMarkets

The New York Times' Tax Coverage Is the Stuff of Fake News

Ira Stoll, New York Sun

Dear Mr. President, Stock Market Doesn't Know What to Expect

Dan Kern, U.S. News

To Boost Small Business, First Free Up Banks That Serve Them

Hal Scott, NYT

Wall Street Wants to Turn Back the Clock to the Year 2007

Editorial, USA Today

These 25 Hedge Fund Managers Earned $11B

Alexandra Stevenson, New York Times

The Chinese Are Just Like Us: They Want Things

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

Rupert Murdoch's Managment Disaster at Fox

Gabriel Sherman, New York Magazine

Tom Siebel on a Witless GE, And His Near Death in Africa

Rich Karlgaard, Forbes

Coal and Natural Gas Are Foes, Not Natural Allies

Allan Golombek, RealClearMarkets

How Much $20/Week In Retirement Savings Can Mushroom Into

Paul Katzeff, IBD

An American Tax on Canada That Harms America and Canada

Lawrence Reed, FEE

The Other Side of the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet

Ben Emons, Bloomberg View

The Higher and Higher Cost of Higher Ed

Jimmy Sengenberger, The Weekly Standard

Forget Puerto Rico, What About U.S. States' Soaring Pension Debts?

Editorial, IBD

Why Stock-Market Investors Are Falling Back In Love w/Europe

William Watts, MW

The Grand Economic Experiment In Europe Is Failing

Richard Rahn, Washington Times

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