

Sell-Off Is As Much About Earnings As It Is About Trump

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

The 'Orange Swan' Looms Ever Closer: Sell Stocks, Buy Gold

Doug Kass, RealMoney

Saudis Expect Big Economic Boost From Trump Visit

John Sfakianakis, Bloomberg

Trump Should Never Forget It's All About the Economy

Editorial, Investor's Business

'Baumol's Disease' Is What Policymakers Should Be Considering

George Will, NRO

Google, Not the Government, Is Building the Future

Farhad Manjoo, New York Times

Crossing the Congo Is a Journey Across Hell on Earth

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

Life Expectancy: Another Way the Rich Get Richer

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

How 'Predatory Lending' Traps Naive American Borrowers

Jimmy Tobias, The Nation

DeVos Wants to Kill a Major Loan Forgiveness Program

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

Why the Federal Reserve Is Wrong to Obsess About Wages

Caroline Baum, MW

Texas Taxpayers Have Become Captives of Their Civil Servants

Mark Pulliam, CJ

Facing a Severe Housing Shortage, California Loosens Up

Noah Smith, Bloomberg

Jerry Brown Plays the 'Frugal Adult' While Secretly Spending

Carson Bruno, RCM

The Revolt of the California 'Freeloaders'

Steven Greenhut, The American Spectator

The Handmaid's Tale Is a Collectivist Dystopia

Brittany Hunter, Foundation for Econ. Edu

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