

Venezuela's An Impoverished Human Rights Disaster

Steve Moore, Washington Times

What Trump Wants From NAFTA Is What He Had With TPP

Allan Golombek, RCM

If Trump Thinks He Can Exceed 3%, He's Dreaming

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

Toward a New Bretton Woods Agreement

Reuven Brenner, American Affairs Journal

Compassion Is Good, But Never, Ever, Pity The American Male

John Tamny, Forbes

Oil & Climate Alarmism Don't Mix For Shareholders

Steven Milloy, Investor's Business

Old Ways of Measuring Output Are No Longer Sufficient

Walter Russell Mead, TAI

America's Cities Are Rapidly Running Out of Room

Patrick Clark, Bloomberg View

Why Are CEOs Being Paid Tons of Money for Nothing?

Steven Clifford, New York Post

If Every Day Is a Rainy Day, What Am I Saving For?

Samantha Irby, New York Times

If Trump Exits, Pros Think Stocks Would Rebound Under Pence

Adam Shell, USAT

In the Stock Market, 'America First' Companies Underperform

Jeff Sommer, NYT

For Stocks It's a Battle of Bearish Politics Versus Bullish Liquidity

Sue Chang, MW

This Bull Market Might Not Be Hated, But It Still Isn't Trusted

Michael Santoli, CNBC

How the Very Rich Talk to Their Children About Money

Paul Sullivan, New York Times

Don't Bet Against Tax and Healthcare Reform in 2017

Larry Kudlow, National Review

Contrary to His Self-Billing, Donald Trump Is a Job Killer

Bryce Covert, New Republic

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