

For NYC's Municipal Workers, a Supplementary Welfare State

Kevin Williamson, NRO

How Marx Got on Wrong Side of History

Richard Ebeling, Fdn. for Economic Education

Leaders Don't Always Make Good Managers: Int. w/Jay Walker

Adam Bryant, NYT

Amazon: Everything Store Expands Further Into Groceries

Zachary Karabell, Wired

Amazon/Whole Foods Will Change How You Buy Food Forever

Zlati Meyer, USAT

How Donald Trump Can Curb Runaway Drug Prices

Arthur Laffer, Bloomberg View

The Pollution Fallacy Behind the Fight Against Deregulation

John Tamny, Forbes

Meet Legislation Crafted to Stifle Shareholders

Gretchen Morgenson, New York Times

We're Not Smart Enought to Spot a Coming Market Correction

Scott Nations, MW

With Market Commentary, Too Many Peddlers of Nonsense

Barry Ritholtz,Bloomberg

The Border-Adjustment Tax Is No Free Lunch

Alan Reynolds, Investor's Business Daily

Federal Reserve Chairman Yellen's Very Bad Week

Irwin Stelzer, The Weekly Standard

The United States Sings the Post-Industrial Blues

Robert Samuelson, Washington Post

Get Ready, Much Faster Growth Is Around the Corner

Steve Moore, Washington Times

Ignore the Critics, Amazon/Whole Foods Is Good for Consumers

Editorial, Investor's

Amazon Isn't Just Spending Big Bucks on Grocery Chains

Justin Fox, Bloomberg

John Mackey Finds An Unlikely Refuge

Michael de la Merced & Alexandra Stevenson, NYT

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