

The Meaninglessness of the Stock Market Index in Digital World

Alexis Madrigal, TA

It Ain't What You Don't Know That Gets You Into Trouble

Cliff Asness, AQR Capital

Family Separation: An Effect of Efforts to Abolish Human Nature

John Tamny, RCM

The Miracle Men Who Saved Post-WWII Germany from Collapse

Samuel Gregg, L&L

Govt's Should Invest in Human, Not Physical Capital

Jim Yong Kim, Foreign Affairs

Gov't Shouldn't Be Suing Waze, It Should Emulate It

Gus Van Horn, RealClearMarkets

2 Years After Brexit, Britain Learns High Cost of Joining Europe

Seth Lipsky, NYS

Seattle's City Council Belatedly Got It Right for the Wrong Reason

J.T. Young, RCM

When It Comes to Bus Data, Measure What Matters

Jeff Allen, Investor's Business Daily

Watch What You Say. Someone Else Is Watching.

Kevin Williamson, Weekly Standard

Make America Great By Breaking California Up

Ralph Benko, The American Spectator

A Strong Economy Is Trump's Trade Ace-in-Hole

Nelson Schwartz, New York Times

Sure, but Trump's Tariffs Will Harm U.S. Producers Most

Jibran Khan, National Review

Junior: Trying to Better Understand Donald Trump Jr.

Julia Ioffe, Gentleman's Quarterly

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