

High Fees, Low Returns: Hedge Funds Are the Ultimate Survivors

Barry Ritholtz, BV

Could the Housing Market Meltdown Happen Again?

Terry Jones, Investor's Business

Economic Realities Have Pushed GOOG Into Housing

Daniel Gross, Strategy+Business

The American People Are Living As Large As Ever

Stephen Mihm, Bloomberg View

What Do You Give the Wolf of Wall Street for His Birthday?

Thomas Craughwell, TAS

Let Us Plunge Into Our Fast-Unfolding Economic Future

George Will, National Review

Books: Jared Meyer's 'How Progressive Cities Fight Innovation'

John Tamny, RCM

What Travis Kalanick Leaves Behind at Uber

Reeves Wiedeman, New York Magazine

Don't Repeal NAFTA, Just Bring It Into 21st Century

Steve Simchak, RealClearMarkets

Trade 'Deficits' Signal Immense Investor Interest In the U.S.

Donald Boudreaux, PTR

How Much Is Saudi Aramco Really Worth? It Depends

Paul Roderick Gregory, Forbes

With CA Budgeting, the Dems Have Pseudo-Dictatorial Powers

Carson Bruno, RCM

Gov't Has Rationalized a Lot of Dubious Lending

Robert Samuelson, Washington Post

Thoughts on Why Some Cryptocurrencies Fail, and Others Don't

Larry White, FEE

United Video Causing Longer-Term Crisis in Airline Community

Sam Jefferies, IBD

How the Pill Made the American Economy Great

Bryce Covert, The New Republic

Mistress-Dispellers: China's Boom Creates a Whole New Industry

Jiayang Fan, TNY

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