

In the Long Run, There's No Such Thing As An Einstein Investor

Robert Shiller, NYT

A Bull Market That Leads to Fewer Jobs in Finance

Barry Ritholtz, Bloomberg View

The Minimum-Wage Job-Destroyer Strikes Again!

Editorial, Investor's Business Daily

New Ideas About the Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence

Kai-Fu Lee, New York Times

Thoughts on How to Address Joblessness In the U.S.

Edward Glaeser, City Journal

What Would GOPers Do If Clinton Introduced a Jobs Program?

John Tamny, Forbes

The Wasted Political and Economic Focus on 'Job Creation'

Allan Golombek, RCM

Trump's Essential and Swift Sword Downsizes Washington

Wayne Crews, Forbes

Oversight of the CFPB Is More Important Than CFPB Oversight

Ronald Rubin, NRO

Forget KS, Check Out the Banana Republic of Illinois

Steve Moore, Washington Times

Kansas Tax Cut Experiment Actually Produced Good Results

Alan Cobb, USA Today

Civil Asset Forfeiture Abuse: Where Due Process Goes to Die

Kevin Williamson, NRO

What Killed Gawker? Maybe It Was Capitalism After All

Clio Chang, The New Republic

The Life and Death Of a Manhattan Mega-Mansion

Allison McNearney, The Daily Beast

Ronaldo May Leave Real Madrid, and Spain's High Taxes

Steven Malanga, City Journal

San Bernardino Exits Bankruptcy, But More Distress Is Ahead

Steven Greenhut, TAS

Austin's Impressively Failed War Against Uber

Mark Hemingway, The Weekly Standard

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