

I'm in 1 Percent. I'm Asking You to Please Raise My Taxes.

Eli Broad, New York Times

Wealth Taxes and Income Inequality, & Buffoonery

Kevin Williamson, National Review

If You're In Middle, Biden Wants to Raise Your Taxes

Ryan Ellis, Washington Examiner

The Problem With Stablecoin Is That People Must Believe It

Josh Barro, New York

FB's "Libra" Could Be For Money What Henry Ford Was to Cars

Steve Forbes, Forbes

If Facebook and Apple are Feuding, How Are they Monopolies?

Patrick Hedger, OM

IPO Parade Marches On While Corporate Governance Suffers

Kurt Schacht, The Hill

Amid Market Boasts By Trump, Some Warning Signs

Mark DeCambre, MarketWatch

From UK, Guidance for SEC's Oversight of Proxy Advisors

Bernard Sharfman, RCM

The Ten Most Powerful Hedge Fund Managers For the Year

Michelle Celarier, Worth

Far Too Many Are Wasting Worry On the Robot

John Tierney, American Consequences

FDIC's Op Chokepoint Settlement Doesn't Make Victim's Whole

C. Boyden Gray, RCM

The American Way to Beat China In a Crucial Race to 5G

Brian Carney, New York Post

Trump's Trade War Is Wrong Way to Compete With China

Tom Donilon, Foreign Affairs

How Nashville is Transforming Itself Into Global City

Jennifer Justus, Worth Magazine

How Indianapolis Can Mimic Southern Boomtowns Like Nashville

Aaron Renn, IBJ

Why Are Liz Warren & Donald Trump Trying to Weaken Dollar?

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