

I Am a Billionaire With A Much Better Idea Than A Wealth Tax

Ken Fisher, USA Today

Comparing Baseball Pay to Teacher Pay Reveals Confusion

Davies & Harrigan, FEE

The World's Top Stock Market? Right Now, It's Russia

Matt Phillips, New York Times

How Your Lotto Habit Can Fatten Retirement Savings

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business

Odds Are Overwhelming That Bitcoin Will Soon Correct

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Bitter Sibling Rivalry Burning Up an $800M Louisiana Oil Dynasty

Ian Frisch, NYM

Long Before Max, BA Had History of Not Fixing Safety Problems

Michael Laris, WP

Infrastructure Spending Can Boost Econ., Climate

Anderson, Nunn & Shambaugh, RCM

It's Increasingly Likely the Fed Will Reduce Rates This Summer

Gregory Daco, Hill

A 'Second-Half Rebound' Is a Mythical, Unicorn-Like Concept

Jeffrey Snider, RCM

Real Workers Know More About Economy Than Liz Warren

Jenna Ellis, Examiner

How Bill De Blasio Has Bloated New York City's Budget

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

I Wouldn't Bet On Libra Solving Volatility Problem

Kevin Williamson, National Review

There's More To Like In Mark Zuckerberg's Aspen Talk Than Not

Patrick Hedger, OM

How Do Rich Neighborhoods Exist So Close to Poor Nabes?

Joe Pinsker, The Atlantic

A Postmortem of Federal Reserve's Failed Attempt to Normalize

Douglas Carr, Hill

Be Serious, President Trump Doesn't Prefer 'Low Interest Rates'

John Tamny, RCM

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