

Socialism's Back: It's Taking Over the Democratic Party

Douglas MacKinnon, Examiner

The Dems' Socialism Can Work In Middle America with a Rebrand

Eric Levitz, NYM

How to Make Donald Trump's Tax Returns Public

David Cay Johnston, New York Times

Congress Must Not Give Trump or Any Pres. So Much Trade Authority

Editors, NR

Does American Flag Have Less Meaning If Made in China?

Michael Breidenbach, TA

'Fresh' Quarter Pounder Shows McDonald's Still Doesn't Get It

John Tamny, RCM

The ETFs That Millennials Should Buy & Hold For 40 Years

William Baldwin, Forbes

Revisiting the Macro Narratives That Prevailed in Early 2018

Michael Cannivet, RCM

The Plastics' Solution Isn't to Just Get Rid of It Altogether

Sheila Bonini, Seattle Times

San Francisco Is An Increasingly Putrid City By the Bay

Steven Greenhut, Spectator

The Founding Fathers Would Be Horrified by Our National Debt

Sheila Weinberg, IBD

Why Losing Your Job Can Be a Time to Rejoice, Not Panic

Bob Doll, MarketWatch

The Media's Coverage of Retirement Saving Really is Terrible

Andrew Biggs, Forbes

Some of the More Painless Ways For You To Retire Richer

Dan Caplinger, Motley Fool

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