

The Mortgage Interest Deduction Is All Handout, No Benefit

Jeffrey Dorfman, Forbes

Don't Be Silly, You're Not Investing When You Buy Collectibles

Gary Smith, RCM

The 30-Year-Old Texan Who Is Building A Real Estate Empire

Nathan Vardi, Forbes

Trump Touts Markets As Trump Stocks Erase Post-Election Gains

Jed Graham, IBD

Stock Price Isn't Always the Best Way to Judge a Company

Vitaliy Katsenelson, CE

Why Dow 22,000 Is Not Good News for Most Americans

Rex Nutting, MarketWatch

Venezuela Is Collapsing Economically, No One Seems to Care

Isaac Chotiner, Slate

How Fast Food Chains Have Supersized Inequality

Max Holleran, The New Republic

Random Lotteries Shouldn't Determine New Immigrants

Robert VerBruggen, NRO

Open Door to Immigrants Is an Open Door to Wealth

Allan Golombek, RealClearMarkets

Saving for Retirement in Most Tax Efficient Way Possible

Robert Powell, USA Today

Glass-Steagall Held Back Main Street Banks & Their Customers

Daniel Press, IBD

Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Policy May Amount to More Easing

Ben Emons, BV

Absent Tax Cuts, Specter of Pelosi Looms

Newt Gingrich & Brad Anderson, USA Today

Don't Be Fooled, Trump's Budget Is Full of Spending Increases

John Stossel, Reason

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