

Free Everything & Thomas Sowell's 1st Law of Politics

Dan Sanchez, RealClearMarkets

Here's a Few Bestselling Books That You'll Enjoy On Beach

Ken Fisher, USA Today

FB's 'Libra' Is Global Reaction To Persistent Currency Instability

John Tamny, Forbes

Stock Indexes Falling from Record Highs, & That Spells Danger

Sven Henrich, MW

Some Myths About Investing In Bonds In a Bull Market

Russ Wiles, Arizona Republic

The Fed's Rate Cuts Are Powerful Tool to Keep Economy on Track

Beth Akers, NYP

Why the Fed Shouldn't Compete with Private Banks

Steve Moore & Norbert Michel, WT

Big Business Virtual Signaling Is Bombing with Consumers

Joshua Arnold, Examiner

Lies, Democrats' Damned Lies About Wages, & Statistics

Editorial, Issues & Insights

China's Rwanda Investments Raise Usual Debt Questions

Stephen Paduano, Atlantic

Donald Trump Keeps Escalating a Failed Trade Policy

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Trump's China Tariffs Are Needed, Part of Winning Strategy

Andy Puzder, Fox News

Proposed Raytheon/UT Pact Reveals Benefits of Innovation

Gerard Scimeca, RCM

HBO's Succession Tries to Get Merger-Mad Media Industry Right

Edmund Lee, NYT

How About Innovation in Rochester, New York?

Kenneth Rogoff, Project Syndicate

The Crippling Cost of Doing Business in California

Editorial Board, OC Register

Trump Is Pushing Manufacturing Toward a Recession

Tim Mullaney, MarketWatch

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