

'Job Security' Is Not Coming Back, So Get On With It

Kevin Williamson, National Review

10 Bits of Investor Wisdom That Will Get You Through Good, Bad

Ken Fisher, USAT

Larry Kudlow Is the Man Who Stands Between Us & Currency War

Brett Arends, MW

If China Is a 'Currency Manipulator', Then Every Country Is One

John Tamny, Forbes

Inventing Money: Heresies of Bankers Became Basis of Econ.

John Lanchester, TNY

The Fed Must Inject Dollar Liquidity Immediately

Stephen Moore, Washington Times

Congress Must Get Tougher on Private Equity

Michael Frerichs & Joe Torsella, The Hill

Why Keynes Believed Efforts to Fight Inequality Hinder Growth

John Phelan, FEE

Nucor's Founder Predicted Long Ago Tariffs Would Kill Steel

Allan Golombek, RCM

Oren Cass, Tucker Carlson Know What's In Your Economic Interest

George Will, WP

Regime Change: Trump Pushes Venezuela To the Brink

Nick Cunningham, OilPrice

In Retrospect, Should Jeffrey Epstein Have Been Given Bail?

Editorial, New York Sun

A Mexican Hospital, an American Surgeon, and a $5,000 Check

Phil Galewitz, NYT

Why Season Two of HBO's Succession Is Better Than Ever

Sophie Gilbert,The Atlantic

We Have Bizarre Theory About Negative Int. Rates

Elisabeth Dellinger & Todd Bliman, FI

Ideas On How to Protect Your Portfolio Amid a Trade Spat

Kayleigh Kulp, U.S. News

Next Recession Will Be All About Fed, Not China Trade War

Kenneth Rapoza, Forbes

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