

It's Crucial That Congress Not Give Trump Tariffs He Desires

Ira Stoll, New York Sun

Amazon's Genius, the '2%' Fed's Witlessness, & Econ. Perversion

John Tamny, RCM

Is Congress Buying What Cohn & Mnuchin Are Selling?

Julie Davis & Kate Kelly, NYT

After Election, Born Again Fiscal Hawks Become Doves

Barry Ritholtz, Bloomberg

Get Ready For The Deluge Of Tax Cut Lies From the Left

Editorial, Investor's Business

With the U.S. Debt Ceiling, Trump Is Playing With Fire

Heather Long, Washington Post

Economic Progress Thankfully Made Slavery Rare

Richard Rahn, Washington Times

Bill de Blasio Is Spending New York City Into Trouble

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

Silicon Valley Plays the 'Flyover' States Like Fiddles

Allan Golombek, RealClearMarkets

Why Bull and Bear Market Volatility Look Very Different

Ben Carlson, Bloomberg View

Why Gold & Silver As Money Measures?

Larry White, Foundation for Economic Education

Simple to Complex: Best Ways to Hit Your Retirement Number

Wendy Connick, MF

The Housing Industry Is Still Building Too Much for Rich People

Daniel Gross, Slate

Hurricane Rebuild May Bring Economic Boost

Conor Dougherty & Nelson Schwartz, NYT

No New York Times, No Economic Gain from Hurricanes

Caroline Baum, MarketWatch

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