

Is There a Federal Answer to Employee Leave Question?

Alice Llloyd, Weekly Standard

We've Fixed Jobless Gap, But People Are Still Not Working

Jay Shambaugh, RCM

Amazon's Low Prices Not Fair to Grocery Workers and Farmers

Bryce Covert, Slate

Ray Dalio's Forecast of '1930s' Economic Doom Is Overdone

Ben Carlson, Bloomberg

Will Dollar Remain the World's Dominant Reserve Currency?

Adam Davidson, TNY

Don't Mistake the Calm in Bond Markets for Lack of Concern

Scott Dorf, Bloomberg

The Economy Won't Grow If It's About Tax Cuts For the Rich

Felicia Wong, USA Today

Las Vegas Raids Taxpayer to Bring in the Raiders

Johnny Kampis, American Spectator

Why Mark Zuckerberg Won't Be Elected President

Glenn Harlan Reynolds, USA Today

There's a Pizza Delivery in Ford's Future, by Driverless

Neal Boudette, New York Times

Harvey Makes, and Breaks a Case for Flood Insurance Reform

Ed Kilgore, New York

Hurricane Harvey's Nationalized Insurance Nightmare

Editorial, Investor's Business

Blame Socialism, Not Oil, For Venezuela's Collapse

Julian Adorney, RealClearWorld

Economic Data Mock Trump & Russia 'Collusion' Hysteria

Jerry & Charles Bowyer, AT

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