

The United States Needs Real Tax Reform More Than Ever

Jamie Dimon, USA Today

The Pathway To Economic Growth Is An Absence of Economists

John Tamny, RCM

Are Republicans Actually Too Incompetent to Cut Taxes?

Brian Beutler, New Republic

Trump's Reform Plan Targets Middle-Class Tax Complexity

Wayne Crews, Forbes

Economists Not Sure About Corporate Tax Cuts, Job Creation

Danielle Paquette, WP

Foxconned? Shouldn't Conservatives Oppose These Deals?

John McCormack, TWS

Donald Trump Will Fail In Attempting Tax Reform, Too

Joe Nocera, Bloomberg View

Misleading Claims Over Multi-National Corporate Tax Avoidance

Scott Hodge, RCM

Paul Krugman Discovers the Problem with Presidential Power

Jeffrey Tucker, FEE

If Harvey Will Truly Boost GDP, Then Why Not Schedule Disasters?

Editorial, IBD

Houston Loves Big Business. How Much Should It Love It Back?

Kevin Roose, NYT

Harvey's Why Federal Flood Insurance Should Be Killed

Steve Goldstein, MarketWatch

IBM's Artificial Intelligence Project Is Much Bigger Than You Think

Rich Smith, MF

The End of the Working Class Is Something to Mourn

Brink Lindsey, American Interest

Is There a Federal Answer to Employee Leave Question?

Alice Llloyd, Weekly Standard

We've Fixed Jobless Gap, But People Are Still Not Working

Jay Shambaugh, RCM

Amazon's Low Prices Not Fair to Grocery Workers and Farmers

Bryce Covert, Slate

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