

Trouble Awaits If Powell and the Fed Fail To Stand Up to Trump

William Cohan, NYT

The Meaning of Higher S&P Dividend Yield Than 30-Year

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

It Could Harm Stock Market If Trump's Word Can't Be Trusted

Allan Golombek, RCM

Books: When Poseur Progressives Fight Aggressively For Privilege

George Will, NR

Automation Is the Most Potent Threat to the Working Class

Glenn Altschuler, The Hill

Josh Hawley and Rick Scott's Odd Support for Price Controls

Noah Wall, Examiner

The Economic Discussion on Brexit That Isn't Happening

Graham Cunningham, FEE

U.S. Is Now OPEC of Natural Gas, the 'Wonder Fuel'

Stephen Moore, Washington Times

Using Common Sense to Save Democracy: Int w/Philip Howard

Steve Forbes, Forbes

Trump's Main Job Should Be Fixing Labor Dept's Latest Debacle

John Crudele, NYP

Despite Its Murderous Failures, Why Socialism Never Dies

Rainer Zitelmann, FEE

Netflix Wants You to Ditch the Frenzied Workplace, & Find Love

Hannah Giorgis, TA

Are Your Savings & Debt Reduction Goals Too High? Try This

Russ Wiles, USA Today

Trump's Rhetoric Says He Fears Dowturn. He's Right to Worry

Michael Maharrey, FEE

An Econ. Downturn Is Hardly Inevitable at This Point

Heather Long, Washington Post

Economy's Booming.Bad News for Dems, Good News for America

Andy Puzder, Fox

High-Yield Spread Refutes Slowdown Concerns..Or Does It?

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

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