

Trump Tax Cuts Rely on False Notion That "Rich" Tax Cuts Stimulate

Editorial, NYT

If the GOP Tax Plan Is Bad for Trump, Then It's Bad For All of Us

John Tamny, RCM

Corporate Tax Cuts Great For Companies, Better for Workers

Editorial, Investor's

How the Republicans Ditched Tax Reform for Tax Cuts

Ryan Lizza, The New Yorker

A Lower 'Pass-Through' Rate Doesn't Boost Wealth Creation

Allan Golombek, RCM

Republicans Create Framework for Pro-Growth Tax Reform

Editorial, National Review

A Favorable Market for Equities at Least Until 2019

Byron Wien, The Blackstone Group

Some of the Market Myths That Bring Harm to Investors

Ben Carlson, Bloomberg

Why It's Best to Delay Retirement Until After Age of 66

Selena Maranjian, Motley Fool

The Financial and Emotional Aspects of Buying a Home

Charlotte Cowles, New York

Seattle Is a Petri Dish of Progressive Economic Ideas

George Will, National Review

For Uber in London, There's a New Route: Diplomacy

James Stewart, New York Times

Now Is a Good Time for Congress to 'Bench' the NFL

Steven Malanga, City Journal

Hoping Its Fans Give the NFL Another Chance

Ross Kaminsky, The American Spectator

Cheers to Mario Draghi for Planning European Economic Bliss

Sean Rushton, Hill

Global Monetary System Not As a Backwards Looking Fed Sees It

Jeff Snider, RCM

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