

Yes, Tax Cuts Will Mainly Benefit Those Who Pay the Most Taxes

Brian Riedl, NYP

I'm a Billionaire Truthteller, Please Raise My Taxes

Tom Steyer, Los Angeles Times

Tax Reform That Doesn't Bust the Budget? I've Got a Few Ideas

James Stewart, NYT

Making a Case That National Debt Is a Nat'l Security Threat

Sen. David Perdue, USAT

The Republican Tax Framework Looks Good. Let's Get It Done

Nathan Lewis, Forbes

It's No Mystery Why the Fed Sees Low Inflation as a Mystery

Richard Salsman, IFI

Broken Eurodollar System Will Lead to Another Monetary Event

Jeffrey Snider, RCM

Next Bear Market Inches Closer Every Time Stocks Go Higher

Michael Sincere, MW

October Has a Sinister Market Reputation, But Not This Oct.

Adam Shell, USA Today

Some Retirement Issues You're Likely Not Planning For

Wendy Connick, Motley Fool

Investors Should Be Fearful When CEOs Make Big Proclamations

Daniel Gross, S+B

Facebook, $100k, & the Absurd Russian/Election '16 'Connection'

Frank Cannon, TH

It's Time to Fact-Check the NAFTA Claims of Wilbur Ross

Allan Golombek, RCM

Too Many Rust Belt City Leaders Have Stockholm Syndrome

Aaron Renn, Manhattan

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