

Unemployment Drop Has Nothing To Do With 'Hurricane Season'

John Crudele, NYP

Don't Buy Hysteria, The Robot Will Not Steal Your Job

Ruchir Sharma, New York Times

Ignore Pundits, Next Fed Chair Is of Little Econ. Consequence

John Tamny, Forbes

Puerto Rico's Jones Act Waiver Is Needed More Than Ever

Allan Golombek, RCM

Jones Act Is Robin Hood in Reverse

Brink Lindsey & Steven Teles, Washington Monthly

Jones Act Providers Are Central to Puerto Rico's Rebuild

Eduardo Pagan, USA Today

Trump Administration's Tax Plan Is An Atrocity

Lawrence Summers, Washington Post

How Trump's Tax Plan Could Affect Oil Industry in Texas

Scott Vitter, Texas Monthly

The Surge In Economic Optimism Nobody Wants To Talk About

Editorial, Investor's

Would This Market Have John Templeton on Edge?

Mark DeCambre, MarketWatch

W/Harvey Weinstein Out, Company Faces Big Challenges

Natalie Robehmed, Forbes

The NFL Shows Why Sports and Politics Don't Mix

Stephen Moore, Washington Times

Want Financial Success In Retirement? Choose Wisely

Russ Wiles, Arizona Republic

With Financial Planning, How to Plan for Unforeseen

Paul Sullivan, New York Times

Things to Know If You're Planning to Retire In Your '70s

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

Trump and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Ramesh Ponnuru, NRO

Tax Policy Center Hits Back Against Propaganda Claim

Bob Bryan, Business Insider

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