

The Econ News From the Census Bureau Is Very Good

Aaron Brown, RealClearMarkets

There's a Plan to Stop Big Tech's Avoidance of Taxes

Jim Tankersley, New York Times

Taxing Wealth: Dems' Poisonous Brew For Stagnation, Tyranny

Steve Forbes, Forbes

Here's More Evidence That Trump's Tax Cuts Working

John Merline, Issues & Insights

How People Vote In 2020 Will Come Down to Economy

John Crudele, New York Post

Why Oct. 9 Is Day That Lives In Infamy Among Investors

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Sen. Warren Doesn't Like the Stock Market

Hunt Lawrence & Daniel Flynn, The Spectator

How the Dutch Invented Elite Flyer Status With Figurines

Josh Barro, New York

Welcome "Godmother of Smart Beta and Diversity"

Jennifer Thompson, Financial Times

Dangers of Foreign Penetration of Private Equity

Ariel Cohen & J. Adam Ereli, The Hill

China Is Winning the Battle for Corporate America's Soul

Gary Bauer, The Examiner

China Forces the N.B.A. to Weigh Value Against Values

Evan Osnos, The New Yorker

Are America's Cities Quite Literally Going to the Dogs?

Michael Hendrix, City Journal

Some of the More Important Retirement Rules to Live By

Katie Brockman, Motley Fool

Everyone Loses In Fhe U.S./China Trade Clash, Especially the U.S.

Weijian Shan, FA

Enough Stalling, Time for Congress to Pass USMCA

Chuck Grassley & Kevin Brady, USA

The Rich Really Do Pay Lower Taxes Than You Do

David Leonhardt, New York Times

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