

The Dems' Robot Obsession Is the Stuff of Economic Ignorance

Paul Krugman, NYT

Elizabeth Warren Is Theft. Why Would CEOs Sign On with Her?

Ben Stein, Spectator

Chief Executives Serve Up Gigabytes of Virtue-Signaling

Heather Mac Donald, CJ

The Big Fib About the Rich and Taxes

Phillip Magness, Am Institute for Economic Research

Fearing an 'Erosion of Truth' On Facebook: Int. w/Mark Zuckerberg

Tony Romm, WP

With Regard to Facebook's libra, What Are the Feds So Afraid Of?

John Tamny, RCM

Washington Focused on Domestic While Economy Slows

Andy Langenkamp, The Hill

Even the IMF Has Thrown In Towel on Global Recovery

Jeff Snider, RealClearMarkets

Newcomers: These 19 Billionaires Join Forbes 400 List In 2019

Deniz Cam, Forbes

The Crucial Message of Metal: 'Follow Your Bliss,' Keep Day Job

Chris Baecker, TF

WeWork Is Slouching Toward Its Least-Worst Rescue Option

Josh Barro, New York

There's No Alpha In ESG But A Better Model Exists

Michael Porter, Institutional Investor

Mises vs. Marx: Capitalism vs. Socialism "Rap Battle"

Am. Institute for Econ. Research

Three Essential Steps To Making Your Financial Planner Honest

Bill Baldwin, Forbes

The Unintended (and Brilliant) Legacy of the Volcker Rule

Ari Rubenstein, The Hill

Brexit Obsession Ignores a Bigger Problem: Creeping Socialism

Oliver Wiseman, CJ

What to Do In Response To a Small Social Security Benefit Rise

Robert Powell, USAT

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