

Would You Be Prepared If DJIA Were to Fall 5,700 Points?

Nigam Arora, MarketWatch

'This Time Is Different' Because You're Different This Time

John Coumarianos, REA

Constructing the George Costanza Portfolio After a Painful Year

Cliff Asness, AQR

The Trump Bump in the Stock Market Is Slowing Down

Peter Eavis, New York Times

Tax 1 Percenters Like Me to Combat Trump's Tax Cheating

Tom Steyer, USA Today

Deficit Scolds & Happy Talkers Labor Under the Same Falsehood

John Tamny, RCM

Corporate Tax Cuts Can Lift All Economic Boats

Kevin Greiner, Investor's Business Daily

No Keynesians, Military Spending Doesn't Boost the Economy

Allan Golombek, RCM

To Fix the Broken Dollar, Define It In Terms of Gold

James Soriano, American Thinker

Will Federal Reserve Make a Mistake by Shifting to Inflation?

Mark Heppenstall, Hill

California's Feminist Corporate Coup Is a Big Step Backwards

Jeffrey Harding, AIM

Kamala Harris's Bold Plan to Give MC Families $500/Month

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

Our Attachment to Iranian Sanctions Exposes U.S. Hypocrisy

Daniel Savickas, RCM

Technology May Mean Hope for Central America

Richard Rahn, Washington Times

How the Bank Bailouts Hobbled the Climate Fight

Alexander Sammon, New Republic

Trump Wants to Make It Easier To Offer Retirement Benefits

Robert Verbruggen, NRO

Republicans Are the Party of the Poor, Dems the Party of the Rich

Ken Fisher, USAT

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