

Abolishing California's State Tax Deduction Isn't Conservative

Brandon Crocker, TAS

The Trumped Up Trickle Down Economics Myth

Jimmy Sengenberger, RealClearMarkets

It's Time For the Republican Party to Act on Tax Reform

Grover Norquist, USA Today

Donald Trump's $700 Billion Gift to Rich Foreigners

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Why Tax Reform Will Fuel Economic Growth

Sens. John Cornyn & Bill Cassidy, Forbes

Canada's 'Outcome' Desire As Silly As Trump's Protectionism

Allan Golombek, RCM

Central Bankers Could Have Cleaned Things Out 10 Years Ago

Jeffrey Snider, RCM

In His Gold Dismissal, James Ledbetter Shows Why He's Mad

Nathan Lewis, Forbes

Apple & Nike Show Share Returns Linked to How They Invest

Philip van Doorn, MW

Should I Purchase An Annuity For Retirement Income?

Matthew Frankel, Motley Fool

With Your Portfolio, You Can Never Be 'Overweight' Fama

Cliff Asness, AQR Capital

CA's Handouts Will Tell Us Nothing About Universal Basic Income

Oren Cass, CJ

Following the (Bike) Trail to Amazon's Second Headquarters

James Stewart, NYT

How Chevron's Watson Fought a Landmark Legal Battle --- And Won

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