

There Are No Natural Resources

Don Boudreaux, American Institute for Economic Research

Read My Lips: No New (Carbon) Tax

Nives Dolsak, Aseem Prakash & Steven Karceski, Hill

Evidence Work Requirements Don't Lift People from Poverty

Sarah Jones, New York

Of Political Bondage: The Red/Blue Divide with State Borrowing

Steven Malanga, CJ

Like Reagan, Trump Must Stay Course on His Tax Cuts

Bruce Thompson, Examiner

Midterms Signal "It's Not the Economy, Stupid!"

Robert Samuelson, Washington Post

Even After His Death, Paul Allen Continues to Make an Impact

Lauren Debter, Forbes

Ocasio-Cortez Is Right about Amazon's Corporate Welfare

Veronique de Rugy, NRO

Critics Need To Relax, Amazon Is Chasing Skilled Workforces

Editorial, USA Today

Let's Recognize Why Poor Countries Become Rich

Richard Rahn, Washington Times

Why We Need Deal With China, Not a Trade War

Gary Shapiro, Investor's Business Daily

It's Not a Question of 'If' Growth Will End, It's When

John Mauldin, Mauldin Economics

Trump Must Remember What Made U.S. Economically Great

Thomas Friedman, NYT

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