

When Trump Puts 'America First,' Other Countries Put Us Last

Allan Golombek, RCM

If Republicans Don't Get Tax Reform, It Won't Be Trump's Fault

R. Emmett Tyrrell,TAS

Considering High Cost of Lower Rates of Taxation

Eduardo Porter, New York Times

GOP Path to Tax Reform Keeps Getting Narrower

Alex Shephard, The New Republic

A History of Failure: The True Difficulty of Tax Reform

Jay Cost, The Weekly Standard

I'm a Conservative, and I See 3 Flaws in GOP Tax Plan

Robert Robb, Arizona Republic

Republicans' Tax Proposals Are Imperfect, but Deserve Support

Milton Ezrati, CJ

Looming Test of Republican Spending Restraint

Stephen Moore & Andrew Wofford, WT

Scientists Say Earth Is Doomed, Just As They Did 25 Years Ago

Editorial, Investor's

Tech Industry's Gender-Discrimination Problem

Sheelah Kolhatkar, The New Yorker

Bonds Are From Venus, While Stocks Are From Mars

Caroline Baum, MarketWatch

Reasons to Hate Keurig That Have Nothing to Do With Politics

Michael Hiltzik, LAT

What Typically Happens When S&P Has Been In Black All Year

Victor Reklaitis, MW

There's Nothing Investors Can Do to Gain Higher Future Returns

Bill Baldwin, Forbes

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