

We're Still Only In Early Stages of Stock-Market Euphoria

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

Premature Demonization of Stock Repurchases

Asness, Hazelkorn & Richardson, SSRN

How Albert Einstein Would Manage His Portfolio Today

Michael Cannivet, Forbes

Which Is the Better Choice Between an IRA & a 401(k)

Matthew Frankel, Motley Fool

Media Alarmists Misunderstand McKinsey Report, & Robots

Allan Golombek, RCM

What Happened to the Great American Boomtown?

Emily Badger, New York Times

Cut Corporate Taxes Now, Don't Waita a Year to Do So

Deroy Murdock, National Review

Republicans Are Set to Blow An Historic Tax Opportunity

Peter Schiff, Euro Pacific

Negative Polling on Tax Cuts Prove 1980s Are Over

Hunt Lawrence & Daniel Flynn, TAS

Anyone Noticed Trump Economy Keeps Beating Expectations?

John Merline, IBD

Time to Look Beyond 'White Picket Fence' of Home Ownership

Michael Clark, RCM

The Exhorbitant Price of Andrew Cuomo's 'Free Tuition'

Milton Ezrati, New York Post

We're Too Stuck In Old Paradigm to Start Blockchain

Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets

Question Begging Answer: The Fundamental Value of Bitcoin?

Nathan Lewis, Forbes

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