

How Republicans Learned To Sell Tax Cuts For the Rich

Isaac Martin, New York Times

How the Wall Street Journal's Editorial Page Changed the World

John Tamny, RCM

The Republican Tax Bill Is a Gift to the Washington Blob

David Dayen, New Republic

Who Says the Republican Tax Cuts Are Unpopular?

Editorial, Investor's Business Daily

The GOP Talked Big About 'Postcard' Simplicity, But Plan Isn't

Editorial, USA Today

Now Is the Time to Start Planning the Tax Reform Bill of 2019

Nathan Lewis, Forbes

A Vote Against GOP Tax Bill Is Vote Against Growth

Peter Ferrara, New York Observer

Of Course 'Alt-Right' Is Against Capitalism

Jeffrey Tucker, Fdn. for Economic Education

Economic Growth Is Back for Real

Andrew Wilson & Rex Sinquefield, American Spectator

How Whirlpool Has Trapped Washington in a Spin Cycle

George Will, National Review

How Mark Sanford Used 2 Piglets to Fight Wasteful Spending

Ralph Benko, Forbes

This Old Drug Was Free. Now It's $109,500 a Year

Carolyn Johnson, Washington Post

Santa Has Some Views on What's Been a Most Interesting Year

David Resler, RCM

The Bitcoin Boom: A Shift In Trust from Government to Technology

Tim Wu, NYT

Grading Myself on 2017 Ahead of 2018's Expected Surprises

Doug Kass, RealMoney

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