

Trump's Tax Cuts: Much to Celebrate One Year After

Editorial, Investor's Business Daily

Tax Breaks For Musk, Bezos And Various Other Billionaires

William Baldwin, Forbes

Trump's Food-Stamp Policy Will Only Make Poverty Worse

Annie Lowrey, The Atlantic

Don't Put Too Much Emotion Into the Fed's Actions

Jimmy Sengenberger, MarketWatch

There's Not Much the Fed Can Do to Soothe Angry Markets

Gregory Daco, The Hill

Once Hard Money Right Finds New Monetary Religion: Trump's

Paul Krugman, NYT

In Its Fight With the Fed, Bond Market Wins Every Time

Jeff Snider, RealClearMarkets

Chinese Officials Are Worried, and Ready to Make a Trade Deal

Eswar Prasad, NYT

Globalization's Opponents Should Be Its Biggest Proponents

Allan Golombek, RCM

Do America's Socialists Actually Have a Race Problem?

Miguel Salazar, New Republic

Christmas Around the Corner: Best Investing Books for Presents

Ken Fisher, USAT

Vicious Bear Mkt. in Equities: Int w/Kevin Duffy

Christoph Gisiger, Finanz Und Wirtschaft

Are You Investing In Bricks In the New Era Of Clicks?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Diesel Is the Fuel That Won't Die -- For Good Reason

Tony Mecia, The Weekly Standard

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