

Republicans Abandoned Any Pretense of True Tax Reform

Bruce Bartlett, USA Today

As AT&T's $1,000 Bonuses Reveal, Tax Cuts Already Working

Editorial, Investor's

AT&T's Tax-Cut $1K Bonus Represents Cronyism at Its Worst

Allan Golombek, RCM

Corporations Don Santa Suits in Wake of Tax Cuts

Hunt Lawrence & Daniel Flynn, TAS

The Republican Party's Tax Reform Deserves to Die

Matt Labash, The Weekly Standard

Tax-Cutting Santa Likes You Naughty If You're Rich

Paul Krugman, New York Times

The GOP Bets Extra Spending Money Can Reverse Tax Outrage

Jamelle Bouie, Slate

Dems Are Fooling Themselves about Tax Reform's Unpopularity

David Harsanyi, NR

What the DJIA Companies Think About the GOP Tax Bill

Tomi Kilgore, MarketWatch

Apple Is Most Valuable Corp. Ever. How Much of a Record?

Sommer & Russell, NYT

Crypto: Easier Hurdle Than Economists Admitting They're Wrong

Jeff Snider, RCM

Interview w/Silicon Valley's Judy Estrin: Mother of the Cloud

Rich Karlgaard, Forbes

Attempting to Divine the Biggest Surprises of 2018 - Pt. 3

Doug Kass, RealMoney

The Economic & Cultural Heft Of Universities Must Be Shrunk

David Adler, Quillette

Is California's 'Third Rail' Still Kiss of Death?

Steven Greenhut, The American Spectator

The Healthiest Communities for Retirement

Evan Comen & Cheyenne Buckingham, 24/7

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