

Let's Never Let Left Live Down Absurd Net Neutrality Alarmism

John Tamny, Forbes

Wisconsin and Foxconn: Most Costly Jobs Program In History

Allan Golombek, RCM

Unsung Hero of the Trump Tax Cut Is Arthur Laffer

Stephen Moore, Washington Times

Trump Promised to Kill Carried Interest. Lobbyists Disagreed

Alan Rappeport, NYT

Sorry Alarmists, Trump's Tax Reform Didn't Crash Bitcoin

Charles Bowyer, Town Hall

Voters Often See Themselves As Rich of the Future

Stephanie Leiser, Washington Post

The Republican Tax Bill's Big Gift to the Coal Industry

Emily Atkin, The New Republic

Real Estate Investors Will Love a Last Minute Tax Change

Steve Wamhoff, Fortune

Will a 'Santa Rally' Give Robust Market An Added Lift?

Anora Gaudiano, MarketWatch

Sleep Deprivation Is Toxic, and Has the Potential to Kill You

Jeff Stibel, USA Today

Trump Sons Slow Down the Family Business

Steve Eder, Ben Protess & Eric Lipton, NYT

We Need A New Name For "Trickle Down Economics"

Charles Baird, Fdn. for Econ. Edu.

In "All the Money In the World," Ridley Scott the Boos Rich (Yawn)

Kyle Smith, NRO

Some Signals Suggesting You Won't Retire on Schedule

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

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