

Do Not Count On A Market Tumble To Topple Trump

Charles Gasparino, New York Post

How President Trump and Amazon Will Dominate In 2019

Stephen Carter, Bloomberg

One Chart Tells This Week's Crazy Market Tale

Jessica Marmor Shaw, MarketWatch

President Trump Should Relax About the Stock Market

Rich Lowry, National Review

A Gutted Internal Revenue Service Makes the Rich Richer

Editorial, New York Times

If the Robots Are Coming, It's to Help You Work Better

Oren Cass, Los Angeles Times

The Work of the Future Is Going to Blow Your Mind

John Tamny, Forbes/Ashford Univ.

Why You Can Stop Worrying About Having a Perfect Credit Score

Peter Dunn, USAT

Could Venezuela's Socialist Disaster Get Any Worse?

Editorial, Investor's Business

Trump's Tax Cut One Year Later: What Happened?

Jim Tankersley, New York Times

Fight to Save Ind. Health Care in Age of Medical Monopoly

Ted Alcorn, New Republic

15 Things to Know About Gov't Shutdown

Joe Carter, Foundation for Economic Education

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