A new reality show, Twice as Bold, follows twin sisters Olwethu and Owami Siko.
"Born in Vosloorus, the 31-year-old sisters' tough childhood brought them even closer than expected - so close that they were married to the same man for nine years. Now divorced and with daughters born two months apart fathered by the ex-husband, the twins are on a journey to accept their spiritual calling as prophets – and to find a new husband," reads a press statement from the channel.
The 13 episode season will follow the sisters as they navigate a tricky relationship with their birth mother and spiritual mother while also navigating the dating scene with the end goal of finding a husband who will marry them both.
Twice as Bold premieres on Mzansi Magic (DStv 161), every Thursday 7 April 2022 at 20:00.
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