From: Stock Gumshoe<>
Subject: Checking out the latest Kent Moors teaser
Preheader: What's being teased for Energy Inner Circle?
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October 15, 2018
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Dear Valued Reader,

Lots of folks have been talking up "supply shortfalls" in a key energy sector recently, and those of you who've been aboard the good ship Gumshoe for a while will recognize that they're probably talking about uranium again... and you'd be right.  This time around it's Kent Moors pitching two stocks that he thinks will surge because "20% of one of the world's most critical natural resources" is disappearing.  So what's the story?  Just click below to....

Of the nearly 4,500 publicly traded stocks on the market today, in fact, no more than fifty of them deserve your time, attention, and money.

Of that small group, only eight are now trading at a price that makes them attractive to buy. In fact, I believe these are the only stocks worth your time and money.

These “Power Elite” stocks knock it out of the park year after year after year because they’ve tapped into the 3 most powerful forces in the global economy: Addiction.  Necessity. And monopoly.

In other words, they sell products that people can’t stop buying. This free video explains why.


Last week was a wild one, for sure... not quite a catastrophe in the stock market, but enough of a wild drop to make the doomsayers say "here it comes!" and a strong enough recovery at the end of the week to embolden the "buy the dips" folks. 

And, of course, there were plent of teasers to warm the blood with dreams of riches... by far the most-discussed, no surprise, was "Tom Gardner's Favorite Marijuana Stock" -- miss that one?  Click here to catch up.

We also took a turn into outer space, with a look at Christian DeHaemer's "front run the billionaires" pitch about buying the suppliers that Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk wil need on their way to the cosmos... with promises of 26,000% gains.  Click here for that story.

We also got a new missive from Doc Gumshoe this week, he's taking a look at cancer -- what's the lay of the land when it comes to progress and potential?  That piece is here.

And since this week brought the craziest stock market action we've seen since February, that caught a lot of folks off guard and brought on a lot of panic -- what's next, and what have I done with my Real Money Portfolio?  That's what filled the Friday File this week, just click below for that.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective. Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed. You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.

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