We all love chilled air, it's clean and refreshing.
BUT… cold air in you lungs on a constant basis causes all sorts of issues from reduced lung function to inducing asthma attacks.
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Respro® City Mask

Masks in Winter


We all love chilled air, it's clean and refreshing. BUT… cold air in you lungs on a constant basis causes all sorts of issues from reduced lung function to inducing asthma attacks. 

As well as keeping out all the nasties in the air, wearing a mask in the winter time has several other benefits.

For most of us on two wheels, winter is not a good time for travelling from A2B daily, but… It’s a hell of lot better than getting the tube/train or catching the bus and considerably quicker.

That said, being ‘savvy’ is the important factor, it gets you safely to your destination and back again.  Aside from the obvious dark nights and cold temperatures and the need for the right kit, it is also sensible to consider the quality of the air that you are cycling in and how it can affect you.

So here goes….

1.    The Science:  Cold air, when entering the lungs, constricts the blood vessels reducing their ability to function and absorb oxygen through to the blood. Mix the cold air with pollution and exposure on a daily basis and voila, you have a range of adverse conditions that are not healthy for you.

2.    The good news:  All Respro® filters whilst filtering the air, assist in improving lung function by acting as a heat exchanger where a percentage of heat is retained by the filter on exhalation. The heat retained from the previous exhaled breath cycle will warm up the cold air before it enters your lungs

3.     Unfortunately:  Pollution is higher in winter due to prevailing low pressure over this period and a lack of sun to create convection currents to move the pollutants away from, in this case our cities.
 4.     As if we didn’t  already know:  More cars, more buses more lorries, on the road results in traffic congestion. Slow traffic results in cars engines working inefficiently producing more exhaust gases and particulates. The cycle (excuse the pun) continues.
5.     To end on a good note: A mask will keep your face warm.

Read more about Running in 'chilled' air

Respro® Cinqro™ Mask

Respro® Cinqro™ Mask

The Cinqro™ Mask focuses on the ‘urban trainer’, the ‘home runner’ or the multi-sport end user where breathing rates are typically higher than your average commuter.

The Cinqro™ Mask is available in seven clours.

Respro® City™ Mask

Respro® City™ Mask

The City™ Mask offers screening from the inhalation of nuisance dusts and odours associated with vehicle exhaust emissions. It offers a solution to inhaling the grime and dust associated with urban air quality while carrying your daily journey.

The City™ Mask is available in five colours.

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