NWC Update
Network Computing
August 31, 2024
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Recent Outages Highlight the Need for Digital Resilience and Experience Assurance
This year’s network outages serve as a wake-up call for organizations of all sizes. They need to be proactive about managing their networks and battle-testing them for today’s unpredictable landscape.

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We Need to Talk About the Security Posture of Your Network Operations
By Lori MacVittie
Enterprises need to understand that protecting their operational APIs is important to the future of your enterprise security posture. That is particularly true for an operational API that directly impacts the network.
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Analyst Decision Tools: Accuracy Requires Due Diligence and Real-time Updates
By Zeus Kerravala, Founder and Principal Analyst with ZK Research
IT purchasers heavily rely upon analyst Decision Tools to make choices. To ensure these tools remain credible and reliable, maintaining real-time accuracy is vital in providing buyers with the most trustworthy information available.
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Telemetry Pipelines: The Critical Missing Link in Modern Application Monitoring and Performance Management
By Scott Wheeler, Cloud Practice Lead, Asperitas, Jamie Gruener, Head of Operations, observIQ
For many businesses, traditional approaches to managing telemetry data no longer suffice. The solution is to take a deliberate, consistent approach to telemetry data processing and delivery by building a pipeline to ensure that every data source reaches its intended destination and is ready to support its intended use case.
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Campus NaaS: Transforming Enterprise Networking
Campus NaaS is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of enterprise networking, enabling businesses to build the agile, high-performance foundations needed to thrive in an increasingly digital world. Read More
6 Ways AI Could Improve Network Management
Network managers and networking equipment vendors are looking to artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI (GenAI) to help improve and simplify the management of their networking devices. Read More
Why Wireless LAN Should No Longer Mean Just Wi-Fi
It’s time for organizations to realize where Wi-Fi isn’t the best option and pair it with a comprehensive private cellular solution. Read More
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