Organizing Tips (May 05, 2019)
If you are changing the oil in your lawn mower or other yard equipment this spring, check out this handy DIY for recycling the used oil. If you have any tips to add, please share them with us.

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Today's Featured Post

Recycling Used Motor Oil

By littergitter

Recycling Used Motor Oil - soda bottle funnel in milk jugIt's grass mowing and garden plowing time. When my husband is going to change the oil in the mowers or tractor, I save a plastic soda bottle and a gallon milk jug, that has a top that screws on, for him to use to put the oil into.

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Today's Posts

Tie Dye Notebook Cover

By katrine2706

Tie Dye Notebook Cover - finished notebook surrounded with the markers usedAll along I thought tie dye patterns could only be applied on fabrics, but when I saw a tutorial on how to put it on paper and I gave it a try and it looked great!

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Uses For a Magazine Rack

By Sandi/Poor But Proud

A magazine rack with greeting cards stored inside.I have seen people who use small magazine racks for storing cookie sheet pans and cookbooks. Recently I got two and they have very different things in them. One is for yarn. Because the holes were so big in that one I cut some denim and tied it around it to keep them in.

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Coil Cords to Reduce Tangles

By Donna

Coil Cords to Reduce TanglesI hated my drawer of various phone, camera, and other power cords and remembered a trick I heard of. Wrap your cord around a straw or pencil, then use a hair dryer to heat the cord up.

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