TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 12, 2017

Alabama Senate Votes to Give Church Its Own Armed Police Force

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

What could go wrong? READ MORE»

The Red Scare in Kansas: Republican Ron Estes Survives 20-Point Democratic Swing in 7-Point Win

By Taylor Link, Salon

Despite President Trump's assurances, Republicans are running scared as Georgia special election looms READ MORE»

Jimmy Kimmel Tears into Spicer's Astounding Holocaust Gaffe

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"What the hell are you doing, Sean?" READ MORE»

Robert Reich: The Ugly Truth About Trumponomics

By Robert Reich,

It's not going to help anyone who actually needs help.  READ MORE»

Wash. Post Doesn’t Disclose Writer Supporting Syria Strike Is A Lobbyist For Tomahawk Missile Manufacturer

By Eric Hananoki, Media Matters

It's not the first time the Post has given Ed Rogers column inches to shill for clients. READ MORE»

Nuclear Arms Expert Lists 5 Frightening Scenarios for How the North Korea Standoff Could End in Catastrophe

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

One wrong move by two unstable leaders and we're on the edge of disaster.  READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Jen Sorensen on Trump's Hatred of Children

By Jen Sorensen, AlterNet

Your mom can't afford health insurance? Loser!  READ MORE»

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