Dear John

Are you happy? What exactly is happiness? I think we need to redefine what happiness really is. In our marketing-driven, consumerism culture, happiness has been defined as when you get the next thing or achieve a result that makes you feel happy. This is a lie.

Far too often the solution to not “feeling” happy is to get some cheesecake and binge watch Netflix for 8 hrs. In the end your soul is less happy!

Happiness is not a feeling.

Happiness is Being and Becoming the person God created you to become.


People who focus on the goal of having the feeling of happiness get caught up in the “me." This self-centered bias keeps them from experiencing something much better than the feeling of happiness - and that is the joy of helping someone else be, do, or have more than they thought possible. Go for joy and happiness will show it.


Choose To Win!


P.s. By the way, have you seen the cool new things that my team surprised me with?

-Amazing NEW Ziglar stickers for your computer

-A brand NEW Ziglar Campfire Mug (with my quote on it.. Woahhhh!)

-A brand NEW set of 2 Inspirational Ziglar Pens

AND, it's all in this brand new collection called: The Perfect Zig Gift: Christmas Edition. It's ALMOST too late - Order yours TODAY!

P.p.s. Folks, we ran out of planners!!!! There is a huge shipment coming in a little over a week. Please don't wait, stock up now for 10% off!!


Ziglar, Inc., 2140 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite L702 Southlake, Texas 76092 United States 1 (800) 527-0306