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If trying to pass the Senate's now-failed Obamacare replacement bill felt like an uphill climb, Republicans' next approach to health legislation was more like scaling a mountain – and it didn't even last 24 hours. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday rather than repeal and replace simultaneously, the chamber would vote to repeal now and replace in two years. But by Tuesday afternoon, the repeal-only approach lacked enough support among Republicans to pass. –Emily Banks


In the wake of abandoned efforts to replace Obamacare, strategists are weighing whether President Trump’s fiscal policy agenda is in jeopardy, with him previously linking health-care reform with large tax cuts. A slew of policy challenges–from implementing a modified health bill, to reaching an agreement on next year’s budget and an increase to the government debt ceiling–will forestall progress on tax cuts this year, analysts warn. Here's what else they're saying.

Here are today's top stories...

Higher rates for the Fed don’t automatically mean more interest in your bank account. The Fed directly controls the rate that banks charge each other for overnight deposits, but it has only indirect influence on other interest rates set by banks and the bond market. Savers are still waiting for higher yields on their nest eggs, and rates for borrowers are mostly higher. By shopping around, both savers and debtors can get much better deals.


Manhattan landlords are about to get graded. Landlords routinely use a tenant’s credit history and other data to decide whom to rent to. Now the shoe is on the other foot, with software from Rentlogic. The four-year-old company released an internet browser extension that drapes a letter-grading system over more than 200 real estate websites that list New York City rentals.


Hillary Clinton has lost popularity among even those who voted for her in November. Trump’s 2016 rival is viewed favorably by just 39 percent of Americans in the latest Bloomberg National Poll, two points lower than the president. It’s the second-lowest score for Clinton since the poll started tracking her in September 2009.


Chipotle suffered its worst stock decline in seven months, after a suspected norovirus outbreak at one of its restaurants threatened to renew the company’s food-safety crisis. The burrito chain closed a location in Sterling, Virginia, on Monday after a “small number” of illnesses with symptoms consistent with norovirus were reported. The incident follows a series of foodborne-illness outbreaks in 2015.


Weeks of downpour sparked California's wildfires. As counterintuitive as it would seem, the weeks of precipitation that ended the state’s drought in the spring also laid the groundwork for a surge in fires. The deluge sparked a greening of bushes, grasses and shrubs. Once the storms ended and the temperatures soared, all that newly sprouted foliage quickly dried out, becoming the perfect fuel source.


Rhymes With "Enjoy"

If you’re only drinking the fizzy water straight and arguing online about which flavor is best, you’re missing out on most of the fun. The full range of flavors—even coconut—can be put to use as a stand-in for the typical plain, unflavored soda water called for in so many cocktail recipes. In a Ramos Gin Fizz, substitute Tangerine LaCroix for standard seltzer to add depth to the citrus notes. Or change up your highball routine with an Apricot LaCroix and high-dollar Scotch.


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