Having had the pleasure of meeting Buterin on two occasions and being totally starstruck, to the point of mumbling, I always do my best to emulate his leadership style.
So hearing him reflect on $3 million monkeys and an industry that increasingly seems to be for-profit is a bit disheartening, but at the same time, it does not diminish my optimism for the future.
While Buterin's main course correction involves being more hands-on in his leadership in order to try and steer Ethereum in a more desirable, if somewhat less egalitarian direction, his previous actions may make it quite difficult to suddenly grab the steering wheel.
In my mind, however, the magic of crypto is indeed irreversible, and like the internet, it is a tool that enables freedom and equality across the board.
Though many may use this purely for profit, let's not lose sight of the millions of people it is already helping on a daily basis, and how much more it's likely to help people in the years to come.
Have an amazing week ahead! |