
March 23 - Dark Reading will host a free virtual event
Dark Reading Virtual Event
As a key player in your organization's IT security defenses, you regularly hear reports of data breaches, ransomware, and software supply chain attacks. How can you get intel and insight on the most promising security technologies for protecting your organization from these threats?

On March 23, Dark Reading will present Emerging Cybersecurity Technologies: What You Need to Know, an all-day virtual event that will provide a deep look at key new security technologies and approaches – as well as how to deploy them and manage the real-world challenges of implementing new security tools and methods.

In a series of online keynote presentations and panels, some of the industry's top experts in cloud, remote workforce, and SOC operations will join with Dark Reading editors to help you learn about emerging cybersecurity tools and strategies you can use to improve your defenses.
Among the things you'll learn:
If you are looking to prepare for the latest breakthroughs in cybersecurity -- and how these technologies can help defend your organization from cyber threats -- then this virtual event is for you. Register today!

Not sure what your schedule is going to look like on March 23? No problem!
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