Webinar Registration

Pass biometrics testing, not the buck

June 27, 2024 | 10:00 AM EDT

The biometrics market has matured to the point that organizations in many fields consider independent testing against established standards to be table-stakes for algorithm providers. 

Testing for presentation attack detection is widely valued, even as comprehension of what exactly the tests mean remains uneven. Many tests of biometric systems are conducted by laboratories but never publicized for various reasons, including non-disclosure agreements to protect trade or security secrets or intellectual property. More different kinds of tests are also being developed and popularized to provide objective information about different aspects and applications of biometric technology as standards are established and refined.

A panel of professional data scientists, researchers and practitioners convened by Biometric Update will explore the state of the art in biometrics testing, what organizations can do to take advantage of the tests available and what lies ahead for the field.

Register today to watch live or access the on-demand.

Ted Dunstone Headshot Ted Dunstone

CEO and founder, BixeLab
Chris Allgrove Headshot Chris Allgrove

Co-founder and Director, Ingenium Biometric Laboratories
David Yambay Headshot David Yambay

Deputy Director of Biometrics, iBeta Quality Assurance
Chris Burt Headshot Chris Burt

Managing Editor, Biometric Update
Register Today

Warm regards,

Chris Burt
Managing Editor
Biometric Update