CEDIA 2016
Registration for CEDIA 2017 is NOW OPEN

showfloorReady for September in San Diego? We are, and here's what you can expect:

  • Exponential Innovation: More than 500-plus exhibitors will be there, ready to share what they've been developing over the past year.

  • Exponential Learning: CEDIA's training offerings are more robust than ever before, with over 150 courses AND manufacturer product training, too.

  • Exponential Connections: CEDIA Talks, Open Sessions, face time with colleagues, distributors, and manufacturers — there's no better chance to network.

  • Exponential Sunshine: We mentioned San Diego, right?

Mix in fascinating keynotes, certification exams, and an awards show like no other, and you've got the biggest show CEDIA's ever brought. Register now — there are deals aplenty including early-bird specials on everything from training to floor admission (which is always free for CEDIA members, by the way).

CEDIA 2017 — When we say it's exponential, it's all about the power of you.



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