TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 18, 2017

Is a Twitter Purge of the Alt-Right Underway?

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

The site just banned a prominent white supremacist, who could be the first of many. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: American Oligarchs' Day of Reckoning Is Nigh

By Robert Reich,

The GOP tax bill is a triumph for the 1 percent, but recent election results suggest it won't last. READ MORE»

The Right-Wing Backlash Against #MeToo Is Coming Sooner Than You Think

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Conservatives are angry and scared. This can only end badly. READ MORE»

The One Scenario in Which Trump Would Risk Impeachment and Fire Robert Mueller

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

The president reportedly expects to be exonerated soon. READ MORE»

Robert Mueller Has the Trump Team Panicked, No Matter What the President Says

By Mark Sumner, DailyKos

The special prosecutor has reportedly obtained thousands of campaign emails. READ MORE»

Donald Trump Jr. and Ted Cruz Mock Barack Obama with Bizarre Cookie

By Callum Patton , Newsweek

The president's son called the pastry an early birthday present. READ MORE»

Sean Hannity Has a Long, Shady History of Deceptively Editing Videos

By Natalie Martinez, Media Matters

The Fox News' host latest attack on CNN is part of a much broader pattern.  READ MORE»

As the Trump Administration Continues to Threaten the Planet, This Is No Time to Be Complacent

By Dr. David Suzuki, AlterNet

As the days get darker, we must keep the flame burning. READ MORE»

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